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When we first moved

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into this old house we knew there were going to be many projects for us.  It was the ideal situation for a couple of retirees who enjoy working outdoors and puttering with the inside of the house.

We weren’t planning on replacing the bridge right away, in fact we had not thought about it at all.  We used the bridge daily and our neighbors used it frequently as well and all was well until one day one of the deck boards broke.  I replaced that board but the rest of the bridge seemed alright at the time.  Not long after that a visitors foot went through the bridge so we decided to close it and get busy replacing it.

Now, you have to keep in mind that I had no idea what a hammer was for or which end of a nail to hit so building a bridge was a pretty big challenge.  I pretty much learned how I was going to build the bridge by disassembling the old one.  All in all it turned out to be a pretty straightforward exercise, it was just a very heavy one.

Completing the bridge gave us the confidence to tackle more complex projects like the kitchen renovation.

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